Dear Dreamers, we are happy to announce a Memorandum of Understanding between SDIN and OFEK, which aims to develop, further, sustain, and support the ongoing development of the Social Dreaming method and its applications.
The collaboration with OFEK is broadening the perspective on the Mediterranean area. The partnership agreement aims to foster cooperation between the two organizations, sharing information and connections in activities related to social dreaming, including conferences, action research, teaching, etc.
According to its nature as a “network” and to pursue its purpose, SDIN operates internationally in partnership with various organizations. At first, the opportunity to work with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (UK) was welcomed by signing a Memorandum of Understanding, followed by one with Il Nodo Group (IT) and NIODA (AU).
OFEK – Organization, Person, Group – The Israeli Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes is an educational non-profit organization founded in 1986. Its primary aim is to help promote learning and change in individuals, groups, organizations, and society through studying, developing, and applying psychoanalytic and open systems theories in the tradition of Tavistock Group Relations. Since its establishment, OFEK has run annual international Group Relations conferences in association with The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. In addition to the group relations conferences it offers in Hebrew bi-annually, OFEK provides continuing education for organizations and the public, organizational consulting for organizations in the not-for-profit sector, and additional activities for its members and the wider public.