A 100-hour Professional Training Program for Hosting, Application and Research in Social Dreaming.
This Professional Social Dreaming Training Program is the fourth to be offered by Social Dreaming International Network, SDIN. Two programs were hosted in Italy, where despite the Covid pandemic meant that some sessions were held online. The third successful hybrid edition brought together participants from all over the world in two concurrent streams.
This fourth iteration, an exciting venture in Social Dreaming, has in-person and virtual components held across a calendar year. Initially designed as two concurrent streams hosted in Europe and Australia, due to circumstances unforeseen by us, the whole training course will be held in the European hub.
Participants will be exposed to dreaming internationally, and by working with world-class staff members, they will have the opportunity to have individual and group supervision both for hosting matrices and for designing and carrying out a social dreaming project as added value of this program involving didactic and experiential components.
Download here the brochure.
The program allows for theoretical input and Social Dreaming Matrices with the opportunity for participants to take a hosting role. There will be individual attention to each trainee, who will receive feedback from the staff and from their colleagues about their hosting of matrices. Participants will design and autonomously run a Social Dreaming project, made by at least four matrices, in research, consultancy, well-being groups, arts or any other field approved by the staff.
The training begins and ends with a four-hour online Opening and Closing Session. In between, four three-day Modules about main topics are distributed throughout the year, as well as Bridge Sessions involving Social Dreaming Matrices, Dream Reflection Dialogues, and Individual and Group Supervision with a staff member.
First and fourth Modules will be held in person. The other modules and sessions will be online. Should in-person training not be possible, all the modules will be run online.
ADMINISTRATION Elena Giannotti & Alfredo Veneziale
This fourth edition will start on 5th May 2024.
Please fill out the online form at for your request for application or write us an email to for any further information.
The training is designed for a limited number of participants. Your request will be examined in order of arrival. Further details will be given once the application is accepted.
Registration deadline is 4th April 2024